Monday, November 26, 2012

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words - Chris Brown, Rihanna Photos (REPOST)



Friday, August 17, 2012


August 17, 2012
By Ladyglen

I unexpectedly liked this remake of Sparkle. Not as much as the original but, I didn’t expect to like it as much as the original which by the way, is on my Favorites List. Although I pitched a bitch at the casting, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I would have loved to see more of the strong willed, black and proud ‘Dee’ character, played by Tika Sumpter but, I liked what little I did see of her. I thought all the actors did a good job in their respective roles. The movie stars Jordin Sparks as the titled character ‘Sparkle’, Carmen Ejogo as ‘Sister’, Tika Sumpter as ‘Delores’ (the three sisters who are the focus of the movie about a girl R&B singing group), Derek Luke plays ‘Stix’ their manager, Mike Epps as the abusive ‘Satin’, Whitney Houston as the girls mom ‘Emma’ and Michael Beach as ‘Reverend Bryce’, whom I did not recognize until the ending credits.

My only um...complaint (for lack of a better word at the moment) is the change in the script with the ‘Sister’ and ‘Satin’ characters. The movie could just as well have been named Sister based on that change.

I give this movie 3 out of 4 Stars void of the urge to be viewed again in the theatre, which is what I often do when I really enjoy a movie.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

JUSTICE IS SERVED... - William Balfour Sentenced In The Jennifer Hudson Family Murders

July 25, 2012
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour, the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson’s mother, brother and nephew back in October 2008 and who was convicted of the crime in May 2012 by a jury of his peers, was sentenced yesterday to life in prison without the possibility of parole by criminal court judge Charles P. Burns, who presided over the trial.

After denying Balfour’s motion for a new trial, Judge Burns sentenced Balfour to three (3) consecutive life sentences, one for each of the murders and an additional 120 years for burglary, kidnaping, home invasion and auto theft. William Balfour is expected to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chaka Khan Performing at the Taste of Chicago (Photos)

'round Chi-Town

The legendary Chaka Khan brought the house down at the 2012 Taste of Chicago, Saturday, July 14, 2012 at the Petrillo Music Shell.

Photos provided by Ladyglen ChicagoStyle On-line Magazine

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Trial *VERDICT* (THE PEOPLE VS. WILLIAM BALFOUR)

May 11, 2012 By Ladyglen A verdict was reached today in the Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Trial - The People Versus William Balfour. A jury composed of six men and six women found William Balfour GUILTY of all charges including 3 counts of Murder (Darnell Donerson, Jason Hudson and Julian King), Home Invasion, Possession of a Stolen Vehicle and Kidnaping at Gunpoint among them. The jury started Day 3 of deliberations with a split decision. Early in the day, the jury asked for transcripts and videos of the gas station surveillance where Balfour purchased transmission fluid, Robeson High School surveillance where Balfour’s car was found parked and the police station interview. At 2:35 p.m., the jury still split 9-3 asked for cell phone records. By 3:30 p.m., the jury had reached a decision, finding William Balfour guilty of all charges. While entering the courtroom to hear the verdict, William Balfour looked toward the bench where his mother and younger sister had occupied during the duration of the trial but, they were not present... (Article provided by Ladyglen Chicagostyle On-line Magazine.) To read complete article go to:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Trial Update (THE PEOPLE VS. WILLIAM BALFOUR)

May 8, 2012 By Ladyglen CHICAGO - On Monday, May 7, 2012 of the trial, the prosecution started the day by calling Quincy Brown (brought in to testify from prison, dressed in an orange jumpsuit). Brown testified that he met the defendant Balfour, in the summer of 2008. He stated that he became close friends with Balfour, whom he called "Flex." Brown testified that Balfour always called Julia Hudson a derogatory name. He stated that he heard Balfour threaten to kill Julia "around two times." The first time in late July. He testified that Balfour told him "how he’ll kill that fat bitch." The second time, Brown testified, was "a couple weeks before the murders." Brown stated "he said he loved her but, he didn’t like being played with." He testified that Balfour called Jason Hudson "that bitch ass wimp." Brown said he told Balfour, "you shouldn’t worry about that. We’re with females too." Brown testified that on October 24, 2008, at 3:58 p.m., his phone rang and it was "Flex." Brown stated that Balfour told him he was having car problems. Brown stated, he told Balfour what to do but, Balfour insisted he meet him at 71st and Vincennes. Brown testified that Balfour was in a "panic." A "rush." Brown testified that at 4:02 p.m., he received another call from Balfour asking, "How long will it take you to get here?" He testified that in the middle of the call, Balfour clicked over. When he came back on the line, Balfour told him that, "his wife was on the phone and the police were with her." He testified that Balfour said his wife was asking him, "why did you kill them?" Brown testified that when he asked Balfour why would she say that, Balfour answered, "Cuz I got into it with that bitch ass nigger." (referring to Jason... To read complete article go to: Ladyglen Chicagostyle On-line Magazine:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Trial (Weekly Recap) - THE PEOPLE VS. WILLIAM BALFOUR

May 6, 2012
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - On Day 6 of the trial, April 30, 2012, the prosecution called Chicago Police Department Detective Anthony Powell who testified that he was assigned to find defendant Balfour’s green Chrysler which he located across the street from Robeson High School. Next on the list, Chicago Police Department Detective Anthony Flowers who testified that he investigated the crime scene at 7019 S. Yale (the Hudson Family home), where he retrieved a dog from the house. He then went to Balfour’s stepmother house located at 7720 S. Coles where he interviewed Angela Shaw and Raymond Balfour (stepmother and brother of the defendant). On October 25, 2008, he interviewed Julia Hudson and Lecretia Acoff. During the defense cross examination, Detective Flowers revealed that they did not find any evidence when he went back to the Hudson house 2 days later... Article provided by Ladyglen Chicagostyle On-line Magazine. To read complete article go to:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Trial Update (Weekly Re-Cap) The People Vs. William Balfour

April 29, 2012 By Ladyglen CHICAGO - On Day 3 of the trial, April 25, 2012, the state opened by calling LuAnn Snow of the States Attorney’s Office Sexual Homicide Division who testified that on November 17, 2008, she deposed Tyrone Dunbar (witness for the prosecution), who stated during the deposition that William Balfour had a gun on him when Balfour took him to a gas station to get change so that he could buy crack cocaine from Balfour. The prosecution then called Chief Medical Examiner of Cook County, Dr. Mitra Kalekar, considered an expert in the field of forensic pathology and who performed the autopsy of Julian King on October 28, 2008. Dr. Kalekar set the "day of death" of Julian King as October 27, 2008. She testified that there were no signs of rigor mortis and that the body was in the early stages of decomposition. Dr. Kalekar testified that the body had been laying "face down" for a long period of time and that there were two gunshot wounds to the right side of the head. Dr. Kalekar concluded that Julian King died of multiple gunshot wounds by homicide. During the showing of the autopsy pictures of Julian King, defendant Balfour appeared to cry. During the defense cross examination, Dr. Kalekar admitted she could not determine the exact date and time of Julian King’s death but, he was "most likely" shot and killed at the location of the SUV and killed laying face down. She also stated that there was a shower curtain "just laying on top of him." To read entire article:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jennifer Hudson Family Murder Trial (THE PEOPLE VS. WILLIAM BALFOUR)

April 23, 2012 By Ladyglen CHICAGO - The jury trial of the People vs. William Balfour started today in Cook County Courtroom 500 before presiding judge Charles P. Burns. William Balfour is accused of murdering Jennifer Hudson’s mother, Darnell Donerson, 57, brother Jason Hudson, 29 and nephew Julian King, 7 with a stolen .45 caliber gun belonging to Jason Hudson. During opening statements, the prosecution allege that William Balfour killed the Hudson family members in a jealous rage after Julia Hudson, Jennifer Hudson’s sister and the estranged (at the time of the murders) wife of defendant Balfour started dating another man.
The prosecution stated that Balfour shot Darnell Donerson once in the back and chest, Jason Hudson twice in the head, stole an SUV belonging to Jason Hudson and used it to take Julian King at gunpoint where he was later found shot twice in the head and covered in a shower curtain inside the stolen vehicle. The defense states that DNA found on the murder weapon excludes William Balfour and that there were no gunshot residue found on Balfour’s clothes. The defense goes on to state that Jason Hudson was a full-time drug dealer, dealing in "weights" of "kilos and eight balls," selling drugs at "70th and Yale." After opening statements, the prosecution called their first witness, Jennifer Hudson to the stand. Jennifer Hudson testified that she went to grammar school with Balfour when she lived with her family at the 7019 S. Yale address (site of the murders of her mother and brother). She stated that she never liked Balfour, "not even in grammar school." She furthered stated that she, "Did not like how he treated my sister and I did not like how he treated my nephew."
Jennifer Hudson also testified about the last time she saw her mother, brother and nephew, stating that it was at a gathering at her house in Chicago the weekend before the murders. She stated that it was the first time the entire family came to visit. Her mother Darnell, brother Jason, sister Julia, nephew Julian and even the dog named Dreamgirl. Breaking down crying during testimony she stated, "That was the last time I got to see them. Thank God I got that opportunity." The prosecution called Julia Hudson as their second witness. Julia Hudson was married but "separated" from Balfour since "February 2008." Julia Hudson described how Balfour threatened to "kill" her entire family at least "twenty-five (25)" times since separating leading up to the murders. Julia testified that Balfour told her "I can’t do this without you. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t work." "If you leave me, I’ll kill them first. You’ll be the last to die." "If you leave me, you’ll be the last to die. I’ll kill your family first."
The prosecution went on to play Julia Hudson’s 911 call after she discovered her mother laying dead on the floor as she entered the house the day of the murders. Julia testified she walked in the house and "kept calling mama, mama, mama." She said she then saw her mother laying on her stomach with blood on her arm. She then ran out of the house screaming. The prosecution last witness for the day, Bernice Simmons, a neighbor who lived at 7009 S. Yale testified that she heard "like two" gunshots coming from the Hudson house the morning of the murders but, thought nothing of it because "gunshots" are often heard in "Englewood." Day 2 of the People Vs. William Balfour starts April 24, 2012. Article courtesy of Ladyglen Chicagostyle Online Magazine:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Update In The Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Case Trial

January 19, 2012
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson’s family members) appeared in court today for a status hearing before Judge Charles P. Burns. The defense informed the court that they needed time to file three (3) motions including a motion to inspect all photographic and physical evidence.

The prosecution informed the court that they have listed and will call Jennifer Hudson as a witness for the prosecution stating "she has knowledge of the suspect, grew up with the suspect and is his sister-in-law." A request by the defense to meet with and question Jennifer Hudson was granted.

The prosecution informed the court that they were ready for trial while the defense stated that they were not prepared for trial. Judge Charles P. Burns noted that the case was "two and a half" (2 ½) years old and set a trial date for April 23, 2012 with jury selections to begin on April 9, 2012. Defense attorney (public defender), Amy Thompson vehemently argued against the trial date stating that they were not prepared to go to trial within the time frame set to no avail.

Credit source: Ladyglen ChicagoStyle Online Magazine


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