Thursday, January 19, 2012

Update In The Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Case Trial

January 19, 2012
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson’s family members) appeared in court today for a status hearing before Judge Charles P. Burns. The defense informed the court that they needed time to file three (3) motions including a motion to inspect all photographic and physical evidence.

The prosecution informed the court that they have listed and will call Jennifer Hudson as a witness for the prosecution stating "she has knowledge of the suspect, grew up with the suspect and is his sister-in-law." A request by the defense to meet with and question Jennifer Hudson was granted.

The prosecution informed the court that they were ready for trial while the defense stated that they were not prepared for trial. Judge Charles P. Burns noted that the case was "two and a half" (2 ½) years old and set a trial date for April 23, 2012 with jury selections to begin on April 9, 2012. Defense attorney (public defender), Amy Thompson vehemently argued against the trial date stating that they were not prepared to go to trial within the time frame set to no avail.

Credit source: Ladyglen ChicagoStyle Online Magazine

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