Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Trial Update (Weekly Re-Cap) The People Vs. William Balfour

April 29, 2012 By Ladyglen CHICAGO - On Day 3 of the trial, April 25, 2012, the state opened by calling LuAnn Snow of the States Attorney’s Office Sexual Homicide Division who testified that on November 17, 2008, she deposed Tyrone Dunbar (witness for the prosecution), who stated during the deposition that William Balfour had a gun on him when Balfour took him to a gas station to get change so that he could buy crack cocaine from Balfour. The prosecution then called Chief Medical Examiner of Cook County, Dr. Mitra Kalekar, considered an expert in the field of forensic pathology and who performed the autopsy of Julian King on October 28, 2008. Dr. Kalekar set the "day of death" of Julian King as October 27, 2008. She testified that there were no signs of rigor mortis and that the body was in the early stages of decomposition. Dr. Kalekar testified that the body had been laying "face down" for a long period of time and that there were two gunshot wounds to the right side of the head. Dr. Kalekar concluded that Julian King died of multiple gunshot wounds by homicide. During the showing of the autopsy pictures of Julian King, defendant Balfour appeared to cry. During the defense cross examination, Dr. Kalekar admitted she could not determine the exact date and time of Julian King’s death but, he was "most likely" shot and killed at the location of the SUV and killed laying face down. She also stated that there was a shower curtain "just laying on top of him." To read entire article:

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