Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random Thoughts on Jennifer Hudson

I was just thinking...Why is it that Jennifer Hudson feels the need to "pass the mic" to amateur audience members at every chance she gets during her live performances?  Paid performances at that.  Performances paid for by audience members who bought tickets to hear her sing!  It was widely reported that during J-Hud's professional concert tour with Robin Thick, she relentlessly passed her microphone to the audience to assist her in singing.  Later on during that concert series, it turned out that she was pregnant with  child so I assumed maybe that was the reason she sought out help with singing from the audience members.  Sort of like, maybe she wasn't quite up to it at the moment.  I should have known...never assume  because you make an ass out of u and me.

But wait...Shortly after that, there was that Superbowl lip syncing farce.  We all learned that J-Hud was actually lip syncing when we all thought she was singing live.  It was later explained by musical director Ricky Minor, that he had her lip sync the National Anthem due to the different "variables to variables" of the song...wind...arena noise...whatever!  Okay...but, then they go on to release a studio produced recording of the "live" performance.  Why didn't Jennifer Hudson just stand there with her hand over her heart along with everybody else while her pre- recording of the Star Spangled Banner played in the background?  *SMH*

Now comes word that as recent as 4/17/2010, J-Hud was up to her old tricks again of "passing the mic" to amateur members of her audience to help her sing.  It was reported that during her recent headlining performance at the 22nd Annual Bob Costas Benefit event, J-Hud attempted to get assistance from the audience with singing only this time, she was met with "dead silence."  It was reported that J-Hud didn't let that stop her in her quest to get help with singing...finally finding someone in the "balcony" to "join her on stage" singing.  Weird!  I'm just saying...


Anonymous said...

Well we can really care less of what you think about JHUD. Durning her concerts she can do as she please. Any way enough with all the media bull. Jennifer Hudson is the best female vocalist in the business today hands down. She can give a dam about the bull as well as the millions on fans she have. That is one super star that is way to busy accomplishing her dreams and goals to hear this sh*t. The only reason I made a stop because I always have her back when it comes to media crap. PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO SEE REAL TALENT SUCCEED!!!

ladyglen ChicagoStyle said...


Thanks for responding to my "Random Thoughts on Jennifer Hudson." Please feel free to follow my blog where you can read all of my "Random Thoughts" as I post them.


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