Thursday, November 17, 2011

Update in the Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Case Trial

November 17, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson’s family members) appeared in court today for a status hearing before judge Charles P. Burns.

The defense informed the court that they had received "two (2) new police reports" from the prosecution and a subpoenaed report form the Illinois State Crime Lab.

The prosecution informed the court that additional fingerprints found at the site of the SVU had been analyzed and that they were NOT the defendants. The prosecution went on to state that they "suspect they’re friends of Jason" (Jason Hudson, Jennifer Hudson’s murdered brother and owner of the SVU where murdered child, Julian King was found in). The prosecution also informed the court that they were waiting on the "police officer’s summaries."

The prosecution stated that they only received notes from the defense from the "medical examiner."

The defense stated that they have one (1) witness' "interview notes" but, that a clerk had left with them.

The judge stated that "we will try this case in February 2012 and that there will be "no more discovery coming."

A continuance was granted "by agreement" to three (3) weeks from today.

Story provided by : Ladyglen ChicagoStyle On-Line Magazine

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jennifer Hudson Family Murders Case Trial Update

August 17, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson family members) appeared in court today for a status hearing. It was revealed in court that a glass and other items found in the "SUV" where the child (Julian King) was found had been tested.

The defense informed the court that the prosecution just informed them of an expert witness today and they demanded the name of the prosecution’s expert witness and asked for a continuance to investigate the expert witness. A continuance was granted to two (2) weeks from today.

Credit Source: Ladyglen ChicagoStyle On-line Magazine

Friday, August 12, 2011

Jennifer Hudson and Relative Threatens Inquiring Fan On Twitter

Yesterday, Jennifer Hudson got into a heated feud on Twitter after a fan inquired about her weight loss techniques.  J-Hud didn't take kindly to the question  even threatening the fan by flying down and showing her some of her "southside" only to be ripped to shreds via Twitter by the fan.   The feud is continuing on today with Hudson's relative, Angela Madison becoming involved.  Check out the tweets below beginning with the tweet that started it all and see for yourself.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jennifer Hudson Family Murders (Case Update)

July 28, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the Hudson Family murders) appeared in court today for a status hearing before Judge Charles P. Burns. Today’s hearing opened with the judge and both parties immediately convening to the judges chambers for the first ten minutes of the hearing. Afterwards, the judge and both parties returned to open court to continue with the status hearing. It was stated in open court that "additional forensic testing" was being conducted and a continuance was needed because of said testing. The judge granted a three (3) week continuance "by agreement" of both parties at which time it will be determined if the "additional forensic testing" is relevant to the case.

Article provided by:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Update In The Jennifer Hudson Family Murder Case

July 14, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson’s family members) appeared in court today before Judge Charles Burns for a status hearing. The defense (public defenders) informed the court that they were working on getting discovery reports from experts, there was a new witness ("internet expert") with internet information and that they needed to investigate another new witness. The defense asked the court for a continuance so that they could gather expert reports and investigate a new witness. The judge reiterated that the case was two and a half (2 1/2) years old and he wanted to set a trial date by late summer. The judge informed the defense that he was going to meet with their expert because he "want to know what’s going on."

A continuance was granted "by agreement" of both parties to two (2) weeks from today.

After the status hearing, the defendant’s mother, Michele Balfour was spotted in the hallway crying hysterically stating "I’m tired of this."

Credit source:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Exclusive: Update in the Jennifer Hudson Family Murder Trial

June 10, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson’s family members) appeared in court yesterday for a status before judge Charles P. Burns. The defense (public defenders) informed the court that they had received all discovery from the state. The defense also stated that they were working with an expert and were waiting for a report from said expert and needed additional time while waiting for the report.

It was revealed in court that there were no "eye witnesses" to the crime. The defense also informed the court that they had received the names of two (2) new witnesses and needed a continuance to continue conducting discovery.

A continuance was granted "by agreement" of both parties however, the judge reiterated that he would like to set a trial date for "late summer" for the case is "getting cold."

Credit Source:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Exclusive: *Update In The Jennifer Hudson Family Murder Case*

April 5, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson family members) appeared in court today before Judge Charles P. Burns for a status hearing. The defense (public defenders) Amy Thompson and Cynthia Brown introduced an additional attorney to their team, Timothy O’Hare. The defense informed the court that they were still in the process of investigating witnesses and they needed additional time to continue doing so. The defense also informed the court that they had discussed the matter with the prosecution. A continuance was granted “by agreement” of both the defense and the prosecution. The judge informed the defense that the case was old and that he will allow at least one more continuance if needed however, after that he will set a trial date.
Credit Source:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chicago's Own Loleatta Holloway Dies At 64!

March 21, 2011
By Ladyglen

Chicago's own Loleatta Holloway dies at 64 years old after a brief illness reports her manager, Ron Richardson.  May she rest in peace.  What an awesome voice we have lost.  Listen to Loleatta singing the disco hit 'Hit and Run' below.  One of my favorites.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


March 10, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson family members) appeared in court today for a status hearing before Judge Charles P. Burns. The defense attorneys stated that they had received all discovery from the prosecution however, they were still in the midst of conducting their own investigation and also need time to file “papers” in case their client is found guilty. The judge informed the defense (public defenders) that the capital punishment issue is off the table now and that the case is 2 years old.

The defense stated that they needed an additional 1 to 2 month continuance to further their investigation. A continuance was granted “by agreement” to less than a month from today.
Credit Source:

Friday, February 11, 2011


February 10, 2011
By Ladyglen

CHICAGO - William Balfour (the only person charged in the murders of Jennifer Hudson’s family members) appeared in court today before judge Charles P. Burns. The defense (public defenders) asked for a continuance to conduct additional discovery and it was granted “by agreement” of both parties. The judge asked the prosecution if they had obtained the “lab results” in which they nodded yes.
Credit Source:

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Feeling Good...Again!

Finally, those blaring, jarring, wailing Jennifer Hudson Weight Watcher commercials appears to be ceasing. I thought there were decibel laws for TV commercials and those commercials featuring Jennifer Hudson appeared to break every one of them. For those who remember the genius that was Nina Simone and to preserve the sanctity of the song featured in the Weight Watcher commercial I gladly post Nina's version of Feeling Good. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lee Daniels Movies Make Me Cringe!

February 5, 2011
By Ladyglen

Someone recently asked me what did I think of the movie Shadowboxer directed by Lee Daniels. I couldn’t give them a really detailed answer other than I didn’t like it. I had ordered the movie from Amazon because I recalled seeing an interview with Helen Mirren and Cuba Gooding, Jr. talking about the movie and it sounded like a movie I would like to see, especially being a huge fan of Helen Mirren.

But, something about the movie’s interracial relationships and disrespect for women just didn’t sit well with me. I also took issue with the lingering shots of Cuba’s tight muscular buttocks and the white actor (whose name I don’t recall) penis. Then I realized the film was directed by Lee Daniels and that explained (to me at least) the film’s apparent fascination with interracial relationships, degradation of black women and the male anatomy.

For some reason, Lee Daniels movies brings flashbacks of the worst “exploitation” movie (black and white) of all time...MANDINGO!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Random Thoughts Of A Wondering Mind (Lack of African American Nominees at 2011 Academy Awards)

January 26, 2011

By Ladyglen

I was just wondering if...

The casting of amateur (in regards to acting) singers in starring film roles is the reason why there is a lack of quality black actors’ presence at this year’s Academy Awards ceremony?

Now you have 50 Cent, Chris Brown, TI, being cast in roles that should have gone to Denzel and some of the younger trained black actors.

You have Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keys being cast in roles that should have gone to Sanaa, Taraji, Angela, Nia and even Vivica!

But, that’s okay. I’ve got something planned for that crap!

Halle Berry is a damn fool for turning down that Aretha role because she “can’t sing.” That type of reasoning by her leads me to believe she’s more unstable than I previously thought!

Hell singers who can’t act are taking roles from real actors. It’s time for real actors who can’t sing to take back those roles from real singers who can’t act!

(*Exhale*)... That Is All!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Appeals Court Rules To Remove Rahm Emanuel Off Chicago Mayoral Ballot

January 24, 2010

By Ladyglen

By a vote of 2 - 1 the Appellate Court of Cook County has voted to remove Rahm Emanuel from the upcoming Chicago Mayoral Ballot stating:


The petitioners, Walter P. Maksym, Jr., and Thomas L. McMahon,
filed written objections to the candidacy of the respondent, Rahm
Emanuel (the candidate), who seeks to be a candidate for Mayor of the City of Chicago in the Municipal General Election to be held on February 22, 2011. After an evidentiary hearing, the Board of
Election Commissioners of the City of Chicago (the Board) dismissed the objections and ruled that the candidate was entitled to have his name included on the ballot as a mayoral candidate. The petitioners sought judicial review in the circuit court of Cook County, which confirmed the decision of the Board. The petitioners now appeal. For the reasons that follow, we reverse the circuit court’s judgment, set aside the Board’s decision, and order that the candidate’s name be excluded (or, if necessary, removed) from the ballot for Chicago’s February 22, 2011, mayoral election.
The entire ruling in pdf format can be found at the link below:

Friday, January 7, 2011


January 7, 2011
By Ladyglen

William Balfour, the only person charged in the murder of Jennifer Hudson’s family members appeared in court today for a status hearing before Judge Charles Burns. The defense informed the court that they were still conducting their own investigation and needed additional time. A continuance was granted however, the judge informed the defense that the "case is getting old" and further stated that, "if there is anything the court can do to help expedite the matter to let the court know."

Credit Source:


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