Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Update on Jennifer Hudson's fake album cover needs changing!

Following is an excerpt and link from the latest interview J-Hud gave to ET in regards to "body image" Ms. Hudson. Don't you think it's time to change your fake album cover?

The singer and actress spoke to ET on the set of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and the Dove Self-Esteem Fund -- a cause Hudson champions because it tackles self-esteem issues and the pressures of body image.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Jennifer Hudson to sing for Obama at DNC

Chicago's own Jennifer Hudson has been asked to sing the National Anthem at the Democratic National Convention by Presidential nominee Barack Obama. Jennifer will sing the anthem prior to Senator Obama's formal acceptance of the Democratic Presidential Nomination Thursday night. Jennifer should be able to show her vocal prowess with this song and let's hope she produces a few goosebumps.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Jennifer Hudson NOT victim of album cover mishap!

It has been brought to my attention that Jennifer Hudson is NOT the victim after all. Apparently she allowed her debut album cover to be photo shopped by some amateurs with Adobe Photo shopping software so we can't blame the record label for the mishap. If I would have known she was going to go that route, I wish she would have let it be known to ALL her fans so I could have been given the opportunity to submit my own amateur design for the cover. I would have at least kept it real and true to herself without the need to fake it by chopping off a few pounds. Jennifer Hudson is a natural with the camera and there is no need to alter her photos in anyway.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Joss Stone performing at 2008 Taste of Chicago

Video of Soul Singer Joss Stone performing at the 2008 Taste of Chicago. Your comment to these videos is appreciated.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jennifer Hudson's fake album cover need changing!

I am saddened and disappointed as to why Jennifer Hudson feel the need to alter her God given appearance by photoshopping her debut album cover picture. Why her PR people would allow her to do it without stepping in and putting a stop to it is beyond me. Jennifer Hudson's refusal to publicly address the issue with her fans takes the cake. I have taken the time to post covers of some of the most successful albums of the past year, void of 'photoshopping', all beautiful full-figure soul sistas' within their own right. So I ask you Jennifer Hudson...Why do you feel the need to 'fake it'? First up,

Alicia Keys


Angie Stone

Chaka Khan

Keyshia Cole


What's up with this fake image you are trying project to your fans?



All of the above albums where successful without the need to 'fake out their fans.' I personally purchased each and every one.

Update on Jennifer Hudson's fake album cover.

Following is an excerpt and link from the latest interview J-Hud gave to ET in regards to "body image" Ms. Hudson. Don't you think it's time to change your fake album cover?

The singer and actress spoke to ET on the set of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and the Dove Self-Esteem Fund -- a cause Hudson champions because it tackles self-esteem issues and the pressures of body image.


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